Changing The World for God's Glory
First Presbyterian Day School’s mission is to educate and equip students to change the world for God’s glory.
First Choice for Families
First Presbyterian Day School will be the first choice of families seeking a Christ-centered, academically excellent education in the greater middle Georgia area.
![Student at Night of Worship 2](
Glorify God
We believe the chief end of man is to glorify God and, therefore, we seek to bring glory to Him in everything we do, whether in thought, deed, or action.
Biblical World & Life View
We believe God has given the Holy Scriptures as His authoritative and infallible rule for faith and life. God’s truth revealed in the Bible provides the frame of reference or lens through which we view all of life. It is the foundation and integrating point for all truth. Thus, our curriculum and instruction, our programs and administration, our communication, every aspect of our school will be founded in a biblical understanding of the world and life.
Advancing God's Kingdom
As Christians we are called to be redemptive agents in the world, acting as stewards of creation and having an impact on our culture that glorifies God and advances His kingdom. We will seek to strengthen believers and the church, profess the Gospel of Jesus Christ, relieve those in need, and stand against ideas and initiatives of the ungodly—in all, bringing glory to God and acknowledging with gratitude that He accomplishes the work.
We desire to exhibit complete honesty and integrity in our interactions with parents, students, faculty, staff, vendors, and all others whom God may put in our path. We also seek soundness in our financial condition, business practices, and policies. We understand that honesty and transparency does not mean disclosing some things that must necessarily be treated with confidentiality. Our desire is to be beyond reproach in everything we do and say.
Serve Families
We acknowledge that God has given the responsibility of raising and training a child to the parents. We view our role as one of supporting parents and assisting them as they seek to fulfill God’s command to “train up a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Our policies and actions are intended to support parents first. We believe that serving families means being financially responsible and making an 皇冠体育官网 education within the financial reach of as many families as possible.
We strive for excellence in all aspects of our program. We pursue excellence in our curriculum, our faculty and staff, our Board of Trustees, our athletic programs, our fine arts programs, and our plant, property, and equipment. We aim to provide an education that enables our graduates to attend and succeed in any college and university they choose to attend.